Diablo III: Eternal Collection ist Angebot der Woche
Diese Woche öffnet das Angebot der Woche im PlayStation Store die Tore zur Hölle mit Diablo III: Eternal Collection!
Die Diablo III: Eternal Collection beinhaltet Diablo III, die Erweiterung Reaper of Souls und das Paket Rückkehr des Totenbeschwörers für die PS4. Außerdem ist bei uns auch Diablo III: Rückkehr des Totenbeschwörers im Angebot, falls du das Hauptspiel bereits besitzt. Lass dir das nicht entgehen!
Angebot der Woche
EA Promotion (bis 21.02.18)
Bei unserer neuen EA-Aktion, die heute im PlayStation Store beginnt, feiern wir alles, was mit EA zu tun hat.
Es gibt satte Rabatte auf Vollversionen und Extras für PS3 und PS4, sodass ihr bei Toptiteln wie FIFA 18, STAR WARS Battlefront II, Battlefield 1 Revolution, Need for Speed Payback, The Sims 4 und vielen weiteren* mächtig sparen könnt!
Eine vollständige Liste aller Inhalte der Aktion findet ihr weiter unten und Informationen zu den lokalen Preisen im PlayStation Store.
*Bitte beachtet, dass manche Titel in eurem Land möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind.
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition
- Titanfall™ 2: Ultimate Edition
- FIFA 18
- FIFA 18 Ronaldo Edition
- FIFA 18 ICON Edition
- Battlefield™ 1 Revolution
- Battlefield™ 1 Premium Pass
- NBA LIVE 18: The One Edition
- Need for Speed™ Payback
- Need for Speed™ Payback – Deluxe Edition
- Need for Speed™ Ultimate Bundle (NFS/Rivals/Payback)
- The Sims™ 4
- The Sims™ 4 Deluxe Party Edition
- EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 & NBA LIVE 18: The One Edition Bundle
- EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 & NHL® 18 Bundle
- EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 and Need for Speed™ Payback Bundle
- EA Family Bundle
- Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst
- Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst Runner Kit Bundle
- EA SPORTS™ NHL® 18 Young Stars Deluxe Edition
- EA SPORTS™ NHL® 18 Young Stars Edition
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition
- Battlefield 4™ Premium
- Battlefield 4™ Premium Edition
- Battlefield Anniversary Bundle
- Battlefield Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 & Titanfall™ 2 Ultimate Bundle
- Battlefield™ Hardline Ultimate Edition
- The Sims™ 4 Bundle
- The Sims™ 4 Deluxe Party Edition Upgrade
- The Sims™ 4 City Living
- The Sims™ 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff
- The Sims™ 4 Luxury Party Stuff
- The Sims™ 4 Perfect Patio Stuff
- The Sims™ 4 Vampires
- The Sims™ 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff
- Need for Speed™ Payback – Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Need for Speed™
- Need for Speed™ Deluxe Bundle
- Need for Speed™ Deluxe Edition
- Need for Speed™ Deluxe Upgrade
- Need for Speed™ Payback: Speedcross Story Bundle
- Need for Speed™ Rivals
- Need for Speed™ Rivals Complete Movie Pack
- Need for Speed™ Rivals Movie Pack – Racers
- Need for Speed™ Rivals Timesaver Pack
- Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete DLC Pack
- Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition
- NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack
- NFS Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Complete Pack
- NFS Rivals Simply Jaguar Complete Pack
- Unravel
- Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2
- Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Upgrade
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Season Pass
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Ultimate Edition
- Battlefield 4™ China Rising
- Battlefield 4™ Dragon’s Teeth
- Battlefield 4™ Final Stand
- Battlefield 4™ Ground & Sea Vehicle Shortcut Kit
- Battlefield 4™ Naval Strike
- Battlefield 4™ Second Assault
- Battlefield 4™ Ultimate Shortcut Bundle
- Battlefield 4™ Weapon Shortcut Bundle
- Battlefield Hardline 5 X Gold Battlepacks
- Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 10
- Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 20
- Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 3
- Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 40
- Battlefield™ 1 Battlepacks x 5
- Battlefield™ 1 In the Name of the Tsar
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Assault Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Infantry Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Medic Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Scout Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Support Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Ultimate Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 Shortcut Kit: Vehicle Bundle
- Battlefield™ 1 They Shall Not Pass
- Battlefield™ Hardline Betrayal
- Battlefield™ Hardline Criminal Activity
- Battlefield™ Hardline Getaway
- Battlefield™ Hardline Premium
- Battlefield™ Hardline Robbery
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: Deluxe – Upgrade
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Bespin
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Bodyguard Upgrade Pack
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Bounty Hunter Upgrade Pack
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Death Star
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Deluxe Edition Content
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Outer Rim
- Star Wars™ Battlefront™ Rogue One™: Scarif
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Scout Upgrade Pack
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Sharpshooter Upgrade Pack
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Survivalist Upgrade Pack
- STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Ultimate Upgrade Pack
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Jaws of Hakkon
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Spoils of the Avvar
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Spoils of the Qunari
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition – The Descent
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Trespasser
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition DLC Bundle
- Bruce Lee – Bundle
- EA SPORTS UFC 2 Bruce Lee Bundle
- EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 ‚Iron‘ and ‚Legacy‘ Mike Tyson Bundle
- EA SPORTS™ UFC® 2 Kazushi Sakuraba Bundle
- The Complete EA SPORTS UFC 2 Bundle
- Peggle 2
- Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition
- Mass Effect™: Andromeda – Asari Adept Multiplayer Recruit Pack
- Mass Effect™: Andromeda Deluxe Upgrade
- ME: Andromeda – Krogan Vanguard MP Recruit Pack
- ME: Andromeda – Salarian Infiltrator MP Pack
- ME: Andromeda – Turian Soldier MP Recruit Pack
- Titanfall™ 2 Deluxe Edition Content
- Titanfall™ 2: Angel City’s Most Wanted Bundle
- Titanfall™ 2: Colony Reborn Bundle
- Titanfall™ 2: Monarch’s Reign Bundle
- Titanfall™ 2: Operation Endeavor Warpaint Bundle
- Titanfall™ 2: Prime Titan Bundle
- Alice: Madness Returns™
- Army of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel
- Battlefield 1943™
- Battlefield 3™
- Battlefield 3™ Premium Edition
- Battlefield 4™
- Battlefield 4™ – Premium
- Battlefield 4™ Premium Edition
- Battlefield Bundle
- Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2
- Battlefield™ Hardline
- Battlefield™ Hardline Deluxe Edition
- Battlefield™ Hardline Premium
- Battlefield™ Hardline Ultimate Edition
- Crysis
- Crysis 2
- Crysis 3
- Crysis®2 Maximum Edition
- Dead Space™
- Dead Space™ 2
- Dead Space™ 2 Super Bundle
- Dead Space™ 3
- Dead Space™ DLC Bundle
- Dead Space™ Super Bundle
- Dragon Age II
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening
- Dragon Age: Origins – Witch Hunt
- Dragon Age™ II – Mark of the Assassin
- Dragon Age™ II – The Exiled Prince
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition
- Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- FIFA 18
- Fight Night Champion – Full Game
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Teeth of Naros
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – The Legend of Dead Kel
- Leliana’s Song
- MASS EFFECT 3 – Citadel
- Mass Effect™
- Mass Effect™ 2
- Mass Effect™ 2 – N7 Complete Arsenal Bundle
- Mass Effect™ 3
- Mass Effect™ 3: From Ashes
- Mass Effect™ 3: Leviathan
- Mass Effect™ 3: Omega
- Mass Effect™ Trilogy
- Mass Effect™: Genesis 2
- Mirror’s Edge
- Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit
- Need for Speed™ Most Wanted
- Need for Speed™ Most Wanted – Complete DLC Bundle
- Need for Speed™ Rivals
- Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition
- NFS Hot Pursuit Super Bundle
- Plants vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare
- SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED™ Super Bundle
- Warden’s Keep
Grand Theft Auto V (bis 21.02.2018)
Wenn ihr den Superhit Grand Theft Auto V bislang noch nicht gespielt habt, dann ist jetzt die ideale Gelegenheit, dies zum Sonderpreis nachzuholen.
Bei uns sind die Vollversion für PS3 und PS4, das Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack, das GTAV Starter Pack & das CashCard-Bundle „Megalodon“ sowie viele weitere Inhalte bis zum 21. Februar im Angebot.
Schau noch heute zum PlayStation Store – denn dort heißt es: Sparen, herunterladen und spielen!
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack
- GTAV & Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack Bundle
- GTAV, Starter Pack & Great White Shark Card Bundle
- GTAV, Starter Pack & Whale Shark Card Bundle
- GTAV, Starter Pack & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)
- Megalodon Shark Cash Card
Spiele unter €5 (bis 21.02.2018)
Unsere Aktion „Spiele unter €5″* ist zurück!
Magicka 2, Surgeon Simulator, Virginia, Super Meat Boy oder Daylight – bei uns findet ihr eine riesige Auswahl an digitalen PS4-Spielen zum Sonderpreis von unter 5 €.
Eine vollständige Liste findet ihr unten. Startet noch heute euer nächstes digitales Abenteuer!
*Oder entsprechende Landeswährung
**Bitte beachtet, dass manche Titel in eurem Land möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind.
- Hotline Miami Collection
- Super Meat Boy
- The Flame in the Flood: Complete Edition
- Daylight™
- I am Bread
- Magicka 2: Special Edition
- Terraria – PlayStation®4 Edition
- Surgeon Simulator A&E + I Am Bread
- Beach Buggy Racing
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch
- Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
- Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition
- Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality
- TowerFall Ascension
- TowerFall Dark World Expansion
- Pure Pool
- Hotline Miami
- Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
- Pure Hold’em World Poker Championship
- How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition
- Among the Sleep
- Magicka 2
- Magicka 2: Ice, Death and Fury DLC!
- Destroy All Humans!
- Destroy All Humans! 2
- Blue Estate®
- Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
- Sportsfriends
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut
- Oxenfree
- Rollercoaster Dreams
- Absolute Drift: Zen Edition
- Pumped BMX +
- Pure Chess® Complete Bundle
- The Swapper
- Super Toy Cars
- The Park
- The Bunker
- Coffin Dodgers
- ClusterTruck
- Virginia – Special Edition Bundle
- Virginia – The Game.
- Defense Grid 2
- Riptide GP Bundle
- Riptide GP: Renegade
- Riptide GP2
- Monster Jam: Crush IT!
- Super Mega Baseball
- Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
- Late Shift
- Sky Force Anniversary
- Race the Sun
- Risk of Rain
- Crypt of the NecroDancer
- Zombie Vikings
- Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf Console Edition
- Tiny Brains
- Sparkle 2
- Goosebumps: The Game
- Beyond Eyes
- Pixel Piracy
- Crimsonland
- Active Soccer 2 DX
- Hatoful Boyfriend
- MX Nitro
- Citizens of Earth™
- Party Hard
- Action Henk
- The Swindle
- Titan Attacks!
- Rollers of the Realm™
- Home – A Unique Horror Adventure
- Catlateral Damage
- Push Me Pull You
- Seasons after Fall
- Nano Assault NEO-X
- The World of Nubla
- The Little Acre
- Manual Samuel
- Her Majesty’s SPIFFING
- Battle Worlds: Kronos
- The Deadly Tower of Monsters
- Big Buck Hunter Arcade
- Assault Suit Leynos
- Punch Club
- Duck Game
- MouseCraft
- Headlander
- Downwell
- Typoman
- Art of Balance
- 5 Star Wrestling: ReGenesis
- The Final Station
- Tennis in the Face
- Brick Breaker
- Rain World
- Mahjong
- Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition
- Sparkle Unleashed
- Ultratron
- Siegecraft Commander
- Tetraminos
- Rise & Shine
- Gunscape
- Neon Chrome
- Infinity Runner
- Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator
- Serial Cleaner
- No Time To Explain
- Knee Deep
- Foul Play
- Alone With You
- Dino Dini’s Kick Off Revival
- 10 Second Ninja X
- Rogue Stormers
- Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle
- Mega Coin Squad
- Soul Axiom
- Solitaire
- Hue
- Horse Racing 2016
- Bard’s Gold
- Arcade Apocalypse Bundle
- She Wants Me Dead
- Blast ‚Em Bunnies
- A Pixel Story
- Jump Stars
- Lichtspeer
- Mr. Shifty
- Xenoraid
- Kung Fury: Street Rage
- 88 Heroes
- Morphite
- The Deer God
- Daydreamer: Awakened Edition
- Lovely Planet
- Tachyon Project
- Small Radios Big Televisions
- Typoman Deluxe Edition
- Vector Unit Triple Pack
- Dark Mystery
- Feral Fury
- BEB: Super Mega Bundle
- Expand
- Expand + Soundtrack Bundle
- RobotRiot Hyper Edition
Steep – Winter Games Edition (bis 28.02.2018)
Pünktlich zu den Olympischen Winterspielen 2018 ist bei uns Steep – Winter Games Edition für drei Wochen im Angebot!
Ihr spart beim Kauf der Vollversion, der Steep – Winter Games Gold Edition und des Steep: Road to the Olympics Add-ons.
Bezwingt die epischsten Berge der Welt mit Snowboard, Wingsuit, Paraglider und Ski auf der PlayStation 4.
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