Findet heraus, welche Spiele dieses Jahr auf eurer Lieblingsplattform erscheinen
Sid Shuman, SCEA:
Nun ja, nachdem die Liste der kommenden PlayStation-Spiele im letzten Jahr sehr beliebt war, haben wir beschlossen, euch das selbe für dieses Jahr zu liefern. Die Liste ist ein echtes Monster und besteht aus Games für PS4, PS3 und PS Vita.
Vergesst beim Lesen nicht auf die üblichen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Entwicklungspläne ändern sich ständig und die unterschiedlichen Bestimmungen der Länder spielen ebenfalls mit, weshalb diese Liste in ein paar Monaten vielleicht nicht mehr absolut mit der/eurer Realität übereinstimmt, aber sie sollte dennoch als solider Fahrplan für das Jahr 2015 dienen können.
Jetzt verfügbar | ||
Titel | Publisher | Plattform |
Aeternoblade | Corecell Technology | PS Vita |
Apotheon | Alien Trap Studio | PS4 |
Atelier Ayesha Plus | Koei Tecmo | PS Vita |
Best of Arcade Games | Bigben Interactive | PS3 / PS Vita |
Citizens of Earth | Atlus | PS4 / PS Vita |
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare | Activision | PS3 |
Criminal Girls: Invite Only | NIS America | PS Vita |
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition | Devolver Digital | PS3 / PS Vita |
Dying Light | Warner Bros. | PS4 |
Evolve | 2K | PS4 |
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS Vita/iOS/Android |
Game of Thrones – Episode 2: The Lost Lords | TellTale Games | PS4 / PS3 |
Grim Fandango Remastered | Double Fine Productions | PS4 / PS Vita |
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 Sisters Generation | Idea Factory | PS Vita |
Ironclad Tactics | Zachtronics | PS4 |
Joe Danger 2: The Movie | Hello Games | PS Vita |
Kick & Fennick | Green Hill BV | PS Vita |
King Oddball | 10tons Ltd. | PS3 |
Life is Strange: Episode 1 | Square Enix | PS4 / PS3 |
Monopoly Plus | Ubisoft | PS4 / PS3 |
Monopoly Deal | Ubisoft | PS4 / PS3 |
Motorcycle Club | Bigben Interactive | PS4 / PS3 |
Minutes | Red Phanton Games Limited | PS4 / PS Vita |
Nihilumbra | Beautifun Games | PS Vita |
Resident Evil | Capcom | PS4 / PS3 |
Risk | Ubisoft | PS4 |
Rugby | Maximum Games | PS4 |
Saints Row IV Re-Elected | Deep Silver | PS4 |
Saints Row Gat Out of Hell | Deep Silver | PS4 / PS3 |
Shake Spears! | Alawar Entertainment | PS3 / PS Vita |
Splice | Cipher Prime Studios | PS4 / PS3 |
Spongebob Heropants | Activision | PS Vita |
Super Stardust Ultra | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Unmechanical Extended Edition | Grip Digital | PS4 / PS3 |
Woah Dave! | Choice Provisions | PS Vita |
No Man’s Sky
Eine Feier der Science Fiction und ihrer enormen Möglichkeiten. No Man’s Sky wird Spielern erlauben ein unendliches Universum zu bereisen und dabei ihre eigenen Geschichten zu entwickeln.
Axiom Verge
Nutzt die Kraft der Old-School-Spielefehler in Axiom Verge, einem Projekt, das aus dem Herzblut eines einzelnen Mannes!
Hotline Miami 2
Das höchst gewaltätige Hotline Miami ließ uns auf Nachschub hoffen und Entwickler Dennaton lässt sich nicht lange bitten. Wrong Number sieht noch gewaltätiger aus als der Vorgänger.
Salt & Sanctuary
Salt & Sanctuary weckt echtes “Souls”-Feeling in einer 2D-Welt und sieht nach einem Kandidaten für “Kann es nicht weglegen”-Spiel des Jahres aus.
The Forest
Kämpft als einsamer Überlebender eines Flugzeugabsturzes gegen kannibalistische Mutanten um euer Leben… und Mann, sind die hungrig!
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Borderlands 2 und The Pre-Sequel auf PS4! Was müssen wir mehr sagen? Vielleicht, alle DLCs die es für beide Games gibt? Ja, vermutlich das.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
Zenimax und Bethesda bringen die beliebte RPG-Serie auf PS4 und ermutigen Spieler in eine riesige Fantasy-Welt voller Freunde und Feinde einzutauchen.
Bestätigtes Erscheinungsdatum | |||
Titel | Publisher | Plattform | Erscheinungsdatum |
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round | Koei Tecmo | PS4 / PS3 | 20/2/2015 |
The Order: 1886 | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 | 20/2/2015 |
Dragon Ball Xenoverse | Bandai Namco | PS4 / PS3 | 27/2/2015 |
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires | Koei Tecmo | PS4 / PS3 | 27/2/2015 |
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart | Idea Factory | PS Vita | 27/2/2015 |
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 1 | Capcom | PS4 / PS3 | 25/2/2015 |
Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late | Aksys Games | PS3 | 27/2/2015 |
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea | Koei Tecmo | PS3 | 13/3/2015 |
Sniper Elite 3: Ultimate Edition | 505 Games | PS4 / PS3 | 13/3/2015 |
DMC Devil May Cry Definitive Edition | Capcom | PS4 | 10/3/2015 |
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters | Aksys Games | PS3 / PS Vita | 13/3/2015 |
Awakened Fate Ultimatum | NIS America | PS3 | 20/3/2015 |
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD | Square Enix | PS4 | 20/3/2015 |
Bladestorm: Nightmare | Koei Tecmo | PS4 / PS3 | 6/3/2015 |
Battlefield Hardline | EA | PS4 / PS3 | 20/3/2015 |
Bloodborne | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 | 27/3/2015 |
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection | 2K Games | PS4 | 27/3/2015 |
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin | Warner Bros. | PS Vita | 27/3/2015 |
Toukiden: Kiwami | Koei Tecmo | PS4 / PS Vita / PSP | 27/3/2015 |
MLB 15: The Show | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 / PS3 / Vita | 1/4/2015 |
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin | Bandai Namco | PS4 / PS3 | 3/4/2015 |
Mortal Kombat X | Warner Bros. | PS4 / PS3 | 14/4/2015 |
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt | Warner Bros./ CD Project Red | PS4 | 19/5/2015 |
Batman: Arkham Knight | Warner Bros. | PS4 | 2/6/2015 |
Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Kombat X kombiniert dynamische, kinoreife Präsentation und ein erweitertes Kampfsystem zum bisher brutalsten Kombat mit einigen der besten Fatalaties der MK-Geschichte.
Eine Kollaboration von FromSoftware und Japan Studio. Bloodborne beinhaltet eine albtraumhafte, gruftige Welt, voll mit grauenvollen Bestien und verschiedensten Möglichkeiten, sie zu jagen.
MLB 15: The Show
In MLB 15: The Show, werden Spieler ihr lizensiertes Equipment von den bekanntesten Marken im Baseball verdienen. Erlebe die beste Grafik der Serie und mehr. Hau drauf!
The Order: 1886
Steigt in Sir Galahads Stiefel, in diesem grafischen Meisterwerk, das eine alternatives viktorianisches London erforscht und voll mit tollen, innovativen Waffen ist.
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Naughty Dog bringt die PS4 nicht nur graphisch auf neue Höhen, sie finden auch neue Wege Drakes Kämpfe noch beeindruckender zu machen.
Until Dawn
Erlebt den psychologischen Thriller der neue Grenzen für das Horror-Genre schafft. Seid vorsichtig – jede Entscheidungen hat Konsequenzen.
Yakuza 5
Yakuza 5 bringt die Spieler zurück in die verführerische und gefährliche Unterwelt in der Ehre, Rache und Neid die Straßen Japans blutrot werden lassen.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Entdeckt eine riesige Welt als Geralt von Riva, einem charmanten und gleichermaßen gefährlichen Krieger. Geralt hat Aufstieg und Fall von Königreichen, verlorene Liebe und Betrugt durchlebt, aber seine Geschichte ist noch nicht vorbei.
Erscheinungsdatum unbekannt | ||
Titel | Publisher | Plattform |
A Virus Named Tom | Misfits Attic, Inc. | PS3 |
Aaru’s Awakening | Lumenox Games | PS4 / PS3 |
Alienation | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Alone With You | Benjamin Rivers Inc. | PS4 / PS Vita |
Amplitude | Harmonix | PS4 / PS3 |
Armikrog | Vs. Evil | PS4 |
APB: Reloaded | Deep Silver | PS4 |
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer | Playdek | PS Vita |
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China | Ubisoft | PS4 / PS3 |
Assault Android Cactus | Witch Beam | PS4 / PS Vita |
Astebreed | Playism | PS4 |
Axiom Verge | Thomas Happ Games | PS4 / PS Vita |
Aztez | Team Colorblind | PS4 / PS Vita |
Baboon! | Relevo Videogames | PS Vita |
Badland: Game of the Year Edition | Frogmind | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Bastion | Supergiant Games | PS4 / PS Vita |
Battleborn | 2K | PS4 |
Bigfest | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Blast ‘Em Bunnies | Nnooo | PS4 / PS Vita |
Blood Bowl II | Focus Home Interactive | PS4 |
Bodycheck | Ludometrics | PS Vita |
Broforce | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS Vita |
Broken Age: The Complete Adventure | Double Fine/ 3rd Party Production | PS4 / PS Vita |
Carmageddon: Reincarnation | Stainless Games | PS4 |
Capsule Force | Iron Galaxy | PS4 |
Chasm | Discord Games | PS4 |
Chroma Squad | Behold Studios | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Close Castles | Sirvo | PS4 |
Color Guardians | Fair Play Labs | PS4 / PS Vita |
Cosmic Star Heroine | Zeboyd Games | PS4 / PS Vita |
Darkest Dungeon | Red Hook Studios | PS4 / PS Vita |
Day of the Tentacle Remastered | Double Fine Productions | PS4 / PS Vita |
Dead Island 2 | Deep Silver | PS4 |
Death Ray Manta | Bagful of Wrong | PS Vita |
Death Tales | Nine Tales | PS Vita |
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition | Capcom | PS4 |
Desert Ashes | Nine Tales | PS4 / PS Vita |
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance | Nippon Ichi Software | PS4 |
Distance | Refract Studios | PS4 |
Don Bradman Cricket 14 | Home Entertainment Suppliers | PS3 |
Dragon Fin Soup | Grimm Bros | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Drawn to Death | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Dream Pinball 3D II | TopWare Interactive | PS3 |
Dungeon Defenders 2 | Trendy Entertainment | PS4 |
Drifter | Celsius Game Studios | PS4 |
EA Sports PGA Tour | EA | PS4 |
EarthNight | Cleaversoft | PS4 / PS Vita |
Energy Hook | Happion Laboratories | PS4 / Vita |
Elder Scrolls Online | Bethesda | PS4 |
Enter the Gungeon | Devolver Digital | PS4 |
Ether One | Whitepaper Games | PS4 |
Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Extreme Exorcism | Ripstone | PS4 |
Farming Simulator ’15 | Focus Home Interactive | PS4 / PS3 |
Fat Princess Adventures | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Fenix Rage | Reverb TripleXP | PS4 / PS Vita |
Final Fantasy VII | Square Enix | PS4 |
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster | Square Enix | PS4 |
Flame Over | Laughing Jackal | PS4 / PS Vita |
forma.8 | MixedBag | PS4 / PS Vita |
Foul Play | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS Vita |
GALAK-Z: The Dimensional | 17-Bit | PS4 / PS Vita |
Gang Beasts | Double Fine Productions | PS4 |
Get Even | The Farm 51 | PS4 |
Giana Sisters 2 | Black Forest Games | PS4 |
Godzilla: The Game | Bandai Namco | PS4 / PS3 |
Grave | Broken Window Studios | PS4 |
Guns of Icarus Online | Muse Games | PS4 |
Guns Up! | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Gunship X | Hidden Elephant | PS4 / PS Vita |
Gunsport | Iron Galaxy | PS4 |
Habitat: A Thousand Generations in Orbit | Vs Evil | PS4 |
Hand of Fate | Defiant Development | PS4 |
Hatoful Boyfriend | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS Vita |
Hellblade | Ninja Theory | PS4 |
Helldivers | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Henka Caper Twist | Origaminc | PS4 |
Heroes of Loot | Abstraction Games | PS Vita |
Hollowpoint | Paradox | PS4 |
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
HTR+ Slot Car Simulation | QUByte | PS Vita |
Hyper Light Drifter | Heart Machine | PS4 / PS Vita |
Imagination is the Only Escape | Nine Tales | PS Vita |
Invokers Tournament | StormBASIC | PS3 |
Jamestown+ | Final Form Games | PS4 |
Jet Car Stunts | Grip Digital | PS4 |
J-Stars Victory VS+ | Bandai Namco | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Journey | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Just Cause 3 | Square Enix | PS4 |
Killing Floor 2 | Tripwire Interactive | PS4 |
Kill Strain | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Kingdom Under Fire II | Blue Side | PS4 |
King’s Quest | Activision | PS4 / PS3 |
Klaus | La Cosa Entertainment | PS4 / PS Vita |
Kodoku | Carnivore Studio | PS4 / PS Vita |
Krinkle Krusher | Ilusis | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Kyn | Vs. Evil | PS4 / PS Vita |
Legend of Raven | Nicalis | PS4 / PS Vita |
LEGO Jurassic World | Warner Bros. | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers | Warner Bros. | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Let It Die | Gungho | PS4 |
Lost Orbit | Pixelnauts | PS4 |
Lost Sea | EastAsiaSoft | PS4 |
Magicka 2 | Paradox Interactive | PS4 |
MechRunner | Spark Plug Games | PS4 / PS Vita |
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | Konami | PS4 / PS3 |
Metal Slug 3 | SNK Playmore | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Miegakure | MTB Design | PS4 |
Mighty No. 9 | Comcept USA | PS4 / PS Vita |
MilitAnt | Xibalba | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Monster Bag | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS Vita |
Moon Hunters | Kitfox | PS4 / PS Vita |
Murasaki Mist | Hollow Games | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
N++ | Metanet Software | PS4 |
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Storm 4 | Bandai Namco | PS4 |
Night in the Woods | Finji Games | PS4 |
Ninja Pizza Girl | Disparity Games | PS4 |
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots | Pocket Trap | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
No Man’s Sky | Hello Games | PS4 |
Nom Nom Galaxy | Double 11 | PS4 |
Not a Hero | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS Vita |
Nova-111: A Cosmic Voyage | Funktronic Labs | PS4 / Vita |
Nuclear Throne | Vlambeer | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Octodad: Dadliest Catch | Young Horses | PS Vita |
Oddworld New ‘N’ Tasty | Oddworld Inhabitants | PS3 / PS Vita |
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood | Roll7 | PS4 / PS Vita |
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 | Bandai Namco | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
One Way Trip | Beret Applications | PS4 / PS Vita |
Onigiri | CyberStep | PS4 |
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy | NIS America | PS Vita |
Orcs Must Die! Unchained | Robot Entertainment, Inc. | PS4 |
Oreshika | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS Vita |
Paparazzi | Pringo Dingo Games | PS4 |
Paperbound | Dissident Logic | PS4 |
Pavilion | Visiontrick | PS4 |
Persona 4 Dancing All Night | Atlus | PS Vita |
Persona 5 | Atlus | PS4 / PS3 |
PGA Tour Golf 16 | EA | PS4 |
Pier Solar and the Grand Architects | Watermelon Co. | PS Vita |
Pillar | MichaelArts LLC | PS4 |
Planetside 2 | Daybreak Game Company | PS4 |
Primal Carnage: Extinction | Circle Five Studios | PS4 |
Project Root | Reverb TripleXP | PS4 / PS Vita |
Rack n’ Ruin | Lifespark Entertainment LLC | PS4 |
Ratchet & Clank | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Ray’s The Dead | Ragtag Studio | PS4 / PS Vita |
Rebel Galaxy | Double Damage Games | PS4 |
Relativity | William Chyr Studio LLC | PS4 |
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 | Capcom/3rd Party Production | PS Vita |
Rocket League | Psyonix | PS4 |
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution | Ratloop | PS4 |
RocketsRocketsRockets | Radial Games | PS4 |
Roundabout | No Goblin | PS4 |
Salt & Sanctuary | Ska Studios | PS4 / PS Vita |
Samurai Gunn | Teknopants | PS4 |
Savant Ascent | D-Pad Studio | PS4 |
Scram Kitty | Dakko Dakko | PS4 / PS Vita |
Severed | Drinkbox Games | PS Vita |
Shadow of the Beast | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero | WayForward | PS4 / PS Vita |
Shiftlings | Sierra Entertainment | PS4 |
Shovel Knight | Yacht Club Games | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Shu | Coatsink | PS4 / PS Vita |
Silence: The Whispered World 2 | Daedalic Interactive | PS4 |
Sketchcross | Spiky Fish Games | PS Vita |
Skullgirls Encore | Lab Zero Games | PS4 / PS Vita |
Skulls of the Shogun: Bone-a-Fide Edition | 17-Bit | PS4 |
Skytorn | Matt Makes Games | PS4 |
SNOW | Poppermost Productions | PS4 |
Soft Body | Bodysoft | PS4 / PS Vita |
Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype | EastAsiaSoft | PS Vita |
SOMA | Frictional Games | PS4 |
Son of Scoregasm | RC Knight | PS Vita |
Soul Axiom | Wales Interactive | PS4 / PS3 |
Source | Fenix Fire | PS4 |
Squares | Leap GS | PS Vita |
Starbound | Chucklefish | PS4 / PS Vita |
Star Wars: Battlefront | EA | PS4 |
Starwhal | Breakfall | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
SteamWorld Heist | Image & Form | PS4 / PS Vita |
Steins;Gate | PQube | PS3 / PS Vita |
Super Exploding Zoo | Honeyslug | PS4 / PS Vita |
Super Time Force Ultra | Capy Games | PS4 / PS Vita |
Supermagical | Tama Games | PS3 / PS Vita |
Table Top Racing: World Tour | Playrise Digital | PS4 |
Tales of Zestiria | Bandai Namco | PS3 |
Tearaway Unfolded | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
Teslagrad | Rain AS | PS4 / PS3 |
The Banner Saga | Vs. Evil | PS4 / PS Vita |
The Banner Saga 2 | Vs. Evil | PS4 |
The Castle Game | Neptune | PS4 |
The Dreamfall Chapters | Red Thread | PS4 |
The Forest | Endnight Studios | PS4 |
The Talos Principle | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS3 |
The Tomorrow Children | Sony Computer Entertainment | PS4 |
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter | The Astronauts | PS4 |
The Witness | Thekla | PS4 |
There Came an Echo | Iridium | PS4 |
Tinertia | Candescent Games | PS4 |
Titan Souls | Devolver Digital | PS4 / PS Vita |
To Leave | Freaky Creations | PS4 / PS Vita |
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft | PS4 |
Tom Clancy’s The Division | Ubisoft | PS4 |
Toren | Versus Evil LLC | PS4 |
Tower of Guns | Grip Digital | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
TowerFall: Ascension | Matt Makes Games | PS Vita |
Tropico 5 | Kalypso Media USA | PS4 |
Ultra Street Fighter 4 | Capcom/3rd Party Production | PS4 |
Ultratron | Curve Digital | PS4 / PS3 / Vita |
Viking Squad | Slick Entertainment | PS4 |
VizionEck | VizionEck | PS4 |
Volume | Mike Bithell | PS4 / PS Vita |
Wander | Wander | PS4 |
We Are All Doomed | Vertex Pop | PS4 |
Woah Dave! | Choice Provisions | PS4 |
Y2K | Aack | PS4 |
Yorbie – Episode 1 ‘Payback’s a Bolt’ | Happy Dance Games | PS4 |
Zombie Army Trilogy | Rebellion Interactive LTD | PS4 |
Zombie Vikings | Zoink AB | PS4 |
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